With exam time coming up towards the end of term and my brain beginning to fizz with all the things I will need to remember, all I can seem to think about is holidays. I will be finishing year 10 in only a few weeks (which is so so crazy to me!) and I can't wait for summer holidays to come, but I also miss the past holidays so much. During the September holidays which you probably had if you live in Australia or New Zealand, I visited Japan! I know, crazy right.
I am pretty sure I have already mentioned this in past blogs but this is the official blog in which I show you all the pictures I took. Some of these are taken with my proper camera (Nikon D5500) however the trip was so jam packed and busy and just so go go go, it was much easier to just whip out my phone and take a few snaps (thanks to the good old iPhone 6s quality).
Mother nature definitely could have played her cards a bit better, giving us rain and overcast days most of the time, and lets not forget about the 90-100 percent humidity which basically forced me to braid my hair almost every single day, but it's all good aha. We all got through it and had an amazing time.
Thank you all so much for reading and I really hoped you enjoyed see what I got up to in Japan. Overall it was such an amazing trip and I couldn't bare not to show you guys any photos. Don't forget to share and comment down below and have a wonderful day! Byeeeeeee!
Jade Madeleine, xo