02:51:00Lush is one of my favourite brands ever with no doubt, so it came with no surprise to me the amount of items I realised I had put in my little basket in the shop. I picked up some bath bombs and one face mask and I thought I would share them with you as well as give you recommendations on some of my faves.
Bath Bombs
Honey Bee Bath Bomb - Absolutely so excited to use this one! It smells so amazing, but kind of subtle and not too strong and overwhelming.Think Pink Mini Bath Bomb - I am not sure why but this one reminds me a lot of being on holidays. Very fresh but not the kind of fresh you would of expect, sort of sweet like a hint of vanilla.
Space Girl Bath Bomb - Okay, so I reached for this one off the shelf because I was feeling very adventurous. I have never selected anything from Lush quite so sparkly, partially because of the fact that I think I will look like a disco ball when I get out, but I still thought it would be a lot of fun to try.
Twilight Bath Bomb - So this is one that I have purchased from Lush before and it one of my all time favourites. I highly recommend this bomb to relax if you are feeling stress or if you just want to feel like you are having a constant cuddle. It has lavender oil in it which is so so calming if you didn't know and I could just imagine this bomb paired with some bubbles very nicely.
Tickle Baby Bot Bath Bomb - This one I got for my sister because at night she is just a pocket rocket with more energy than when she woke up so this is perfect to help her settle. It also has lavender oil in it which is so perfect. Although looking back I am kind of sad I didn't get one for myself because it looks so good.
Butterball Bath Bomb - To me this bath bomb sounded like heaven. It has cocoa butter in it with a scent of sweet musk and vanilla. The cocoa butter is what I am most excited for because it is such a good moisturiser to help soften your skin.
Bubble Bars
Pink Flamingo Bubble Bar - This is a very sweet scent sort of like sherbet and it just makes me so excited to use. I feel its a really good product if you want minimal products in your bath because you can get a lovely scent and beautiful bubbles in one go.
Face Masks
Mask of Magnaminty - I have used this product before and I definitely recommend it. It it really easy to apply and a lot goes a long way which is great for getting the most amount of uses out of it. It feels very cool and refreshing on the face and doesn't really tingle at all like some masks. It is infused with peppermint which is a great antibacterial which helps with any sort of breakouts and keeping the face clean. It is also a good exfoliant and its not too rough on the skin.
Jade Madeleine, xo